WBPSC IDO and Clinical Instructor Admit Card 2019 to be Release soon at pscwbonline.gov.in, Steps How to Download Exam Hall Ticket.


Source – pagalguy.com

West Bengal Public Service Commission is a statutory body responsible for selection and recruitment of suitable candidates for various vacancies available with different ministries, departments, and organisations of the West Bengal Government.

Every year thousands of candidates who are interested in working with the government of West Bengal, apply for the recruitment campaigns organised by West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC).

Recently, WBPSC had invited applications from interested candidates for the vacancies available against the position of Clinical Instructor and Industrial Development Officer.

As the application window has been closed now, candidates are awaiting the release of the admit cards for the upcoming preliminary exams. There is important news for all the candidates who have registered for these vacancies.

As per the latest notification published on the official website of WBPSC @ www.pscwbapplication.in, admit cards for the preliminary examination for the vacancies available against the position of Clinical Instructor and Industrial Development Officer will soon be available for download.

Therefore, the candidates must keep a close watch on the official website of WBPSC and download their admit cards as soon as they are available for download.

Another notification released by the WBPSC states that the admit cards for the WBPSC IDO Preliminary Exam 2019 will be released on 12th December 2019, and the admit cards for the WBPSC Clinical Instructor Exam 2019 will be released on 19th December 2019.

As per the official notification, the WBPSC IDO Preliminary Exam 2019 will be conducted on 22nd December 2019, and the WBPSC Clinical Instructor Exam 2019 will be held on 29th December 2019. Although both these exams will be held on separate dates, the timings would be the same, i.e. 12.00 PM to 1.30 PM.

On the day of the examination, candidates must carry along their admit cards along with a valid government-issued ID proof. Any candidates reaching the venue without their admit cards and ID proof will not be allowed to participate in the respective examination.

WBPSC IDO Preliminary Exam 2019  and WBPSC Clinical Instructor Exam 2019: Important information

Candidates must note the below mentioned important information pertaining to the above-mentioned examinations:

  • The admit cards for the WBPSC IDO Preliminary Exam 2019 will be released on 12th December 2019, and the examination will take place on 22nd December 2019.
  • The admit cards for the WBPSC Clinical Instructor Exam 2019 will be released on 19th December 2019, and the examination will take place on 29th December 2019.
  • Candidates must bring a printout of the admit card along with a valid ID proof on the day of the examination.
  • No gadgets or communication devices will be allowed inside the hall.
  • Candidates must reach the examination venue at least a couple of hours before the scheduled start time.