WBPSC Fire Operator Recruitment 2019: Download PMT admit card Released on pscwbapplication.in


Source – pagalguy.com

The West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) had issued the schedule for the Physical Measurement Test (PMT) and Endurance Test for the 2018 Fire Operator Recruitment on November 11th, and now they have also issued call letter/admit card for the same at the official website.pscwbapplication.in.

The Commission shall carry the PMT and Endurance Test for the recruitment of Fire Operator from 19th November to December 4th 2019. The admit card for the 2019 PMT test will be published on November 13th, 2019.

Also, the Commission is carrying the Fire Operator recruitment for the Department of Fire & Emergency Services, Govt. of W.B. to fill 1,450 vacancies. The written exam result was issued in the month of September and candidates who have passed the exam are qualified to appear for the subsequent round of PMT.

 Also, the WBPSC has announced to issue the list of candidates passed for PMT / ET on 16 September 2019. Nevertheless, the individual marks of each candidate will be made accessible by the Commission on or after 17 September 2019. The candidates will be able to shall check their marks from the official website only.

The official notification which states all the names are as follows, https://linkingsky.com/Docs/WBPSC.pdf .

Steps to download WBPSC Fire Operator 2019 Admit Card:

  • Go to the WBPSC official website.
  • On the left-hand panel, scroll to the ‘Call Letter’ section and tick on the Fire Operator call letter link.
  • Insert the required details and submit.
  • The call letter can be obtained.
  • Take a print out of the same.

Along with this, the West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has also issued admit card for the written examination to be held on 16-11-2019, for the posts of Joint Director (Textiles) Advt 16/2018. The candidates that are appearing for the test, may their admit cards for the same, by providing their registration/login details. Also note that the admit card is to be taken to the exam without fail, along with any other identity proof as might be specified in the call letter, for the goal of verification of identity. Make sure to reach the venue well before the start of the exam.