UPSC CDS 2020 Application Rejected List Released Official on, Steps How to Check.


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Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is India’s central recruitment body that carries out the recruitment of candidates for civil service posts.

It is one of the most premier institutions and is known for its rigorous recruitment process. Each year a large number of candidates in India apply for the vacancies issued by UPSC. Applicants have to undergo a long process of examinations, physical and medical checks and even interviews.

One of the commonly conducted examinations by the UPSC is that of the UPSC CDS exam or the Combined Defence Services exam. This exam is conducted by the UPSC twice a year, in November and February.

Once candidates are selected through these examinations, they are sent to the respective training academies and then are recruited.

UPSC had announced the recruitment of 418 candidates through UPSC CDS 1 2020. The application for these posts started on 30th October 2019 and was over by 19th November 2019.

The application process has now been completed. Now that the application process is over, the UPSC has taken to its official website to release a rejection list.

This application rejection list features names of candidates whose applications have not been accepted by the commission because of any inconsistency made by the candidate during the application process. The UPSC CDS 1 2020 Application Rejection list was released on 25th November 2019.

As per the list, a total of 16 candidates failed to pay their application fee successfully as the respective bank authorities did not receive a confirmation.

If the candidates have made the payment successfully, they can issue an appeal to the Commission by providing the requisite documentary proof. If the UPSC finds that the fees have genuinely been paid by the candidate, it will change their application status.

The appeal has to be sent by hand or by post within 10 days of receiving an email by the UPSC. Any pleas sent after that will not be attended to by the commission.

The address where the appeal along with the necessary documents are to be sent is as follows –

Smt. Pushpa Minz

Under Secretary (CDS),

Union Public Service Commission,

Room No. 427,

Ayoug Sachivalaya Building,

Dholpur House,

Shahjahan Road,

New Delhi-110069.

Candidates should also make a note of the documents that they can furnish before the commission. The documents are –

  1. The Bank pay-in-slip, if the payment was made by the candidates through the cash mode in SBI or in any of its designated branches. The slip should be submitted in the original print form.


  1. A copy of the Credit card, Debit card or Bank account statement, if the payment was made by the candidates in any of the online modes.

This is the last chance for the candidates to get their application status changed. The appeal should be made in a timely manner so that UPSC can act on the mistake as soon as possible.