UPSC CDS 1 Admit Card 2020 Soon CDS Exam on 2 Feb, Check Details Here.


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UPSC CDS 1 Admit Card 2020: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will release the admit card of Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2020 (CDS 1 Exam 2020). As per the official notification, the UPSC CDS 1 Admit Card shall be issued three weeks before the commencement of the exam. Hence, CDS Admit Card is expected to release by next week.

UPSC CDS exam is scheduled to be held on 02 February 2020 (Sunday). Candidates who are appearing in the exam can download UPSC CDS Admit Card from UPSC official website No Admit Card will be sent by post. All the applicants are required to provide valid & active e-mail id while filling up online application form as the Commission may use electronic mode for contacting them.

UPSC CDS 1 Exam, for Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Air Force Academy, will have questions on English, General Knowledge and Elementary Mathematics. Each subject is of 100 marks and to complete in 2 hours.

For admission to Officers’ Training Academy, there will be questions from 2 subjects i.e. English and General Knowledge of 100 marks each. The time duration allotted to each section is 2 hours.

There will be Negative Marking for each wrong answer. The papers in all the subjects will consist of objective type questions only. The question papers (Test Booklets) of General Knowledge and Elementary Mathematics will be set bilingually in Hindi as well as English.

UPSC is conducting the Combined Defence Services Examination for admission to Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Air Force Academy, Hyderabad, Officers’ Training Academy, Chennai (Madras) and Officers Training Academy, Chennai.

The Public Service Commission shall prepare a list of candidates who obtain the minimum qualifying marks in the CDS 1 written exam as fixed by the Commission in their discretion.