Freedom Fighter

Freedom Fighter Musha Mallik was born in the year 1904 in the village Baligorada of Madhi ( Kamakhyanagar Sub-Division). His father was Sankhali Mallik. Musha Mallik got his primary Education in his village Primary School. In the year 1934, he joined in the police department and worked as a Jail warder. During that period there was agitation against the King by the members of Prajamandal. Within a few days he resigned from his job and joined in Prajamandal Andolana. He was closely associated with Baishnab Patanaik, Mahesh Chandra Subahusingh, Pabitra Mohan Pradhan and Narottam Das, the prominent leaders of Prajamandal Andolana. He organized Biplabi Mancha with some Freedom Fighters and revolted against the King and Britishers. During the Quite India Movement in the year 1942, a Gorilla Bahini was organized by Baishnab Pattnaik, in which Musha Mallik took the Key role. The aim of the Gorilla Bahini was to burn “Thana”, “Kachari” and other offices. He along with other 19 Gorillas set fired Madhi Thana, Tahasil Office, Kacheri and Forest Office etc. Then they set fired the Khamara of the King, destroyed Malapura Khamara and distributed the paddies among the poor people. Then they wanted  to capture parajang Thana and there was a fight between the police Forces and Gorilla Freedom Fighters. Musha Mallik was injured by the Police Force and hid himself in the Jungle. Then he was arrested by the Police and got the life imprisonment. On 03.09.1946 Musha Mallik and other 48 person were released. After Independence he was associated with Social and Developmental Works. Matha Karogola P.H.C. and many Primary and M.E. Schools have been established by him. On 19th May 1961 he died in his village.