Jharkhand doctor prescribes pregnancy tests on men, cries foul later


Source: indiatoday.in

Pregnancy tests for men complaining of stomach pain. This is what a doctor in a government hospital in Jharkhand has prescribed to diagnose two men who came for check-up following stomach problem.

This rather bizarre turn of events has been reported from a referral hospital at Simaria in Chatr district of Jharkhand. Dr Mukesh, serving at the hospital, prescribed pregnancy tests to two young men who had come for a check-up after stomach pain on October 1.

The patients had been taken to the hospital by their family members as they complained of intense stomach pain. The doctor prescribed other tests as well such as for HIV, HBA, HCV, CBC, HH-2 and ANC the last one is a test that is conducted to see if a woman is pregnant or not.

In this case the two patients, who were asked to undergo the ANC test were, 22-year-old Gopal Ganjhu and 26-year-old Kameshwar Ganjhu — to remind again, both are men.

When Gopal and Kameshwar visited the pathological lab of the hospital, the attending doctor was bewildered and told the patients that the ANC is done on women to check pregnancy. The doctor expressed surprise that the consulting doctor prescribed this test on two men.

The two men then went back to their village and told the fellow villagers. Soon, the word spread with amusement.

On his part, Dr Mukesh denied prescribing ANC test on two men when he was asked about the claim made by Gopal and Kameshwar. He cried foul claiming a conspiracy hatched to defame him.

He said, “This is not true. This is an effort to defame me. Those tests could have been added by overwriting.” However, this strange case has become a subject of great interest in this Jharkhand town