IBPS PO Main 2019 exam analysis: Difficult exam, says expert, Data Interpretation & Analysis section hardest.


Source – indiatoday.in

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection conducted the IBPS PO 2019 main exam for recruiting Probationary Officer on November 30. Being one of the most competitive banking exams in the country, it sees more than 8 lakh candidates apply every year. This time, around 7.5 Lakh candidates appeared for the IBPS PO/MT exam.

IBPS PO main 2019: What is the recruitment for?

There are 4336 vacancies across different states. The prelims exam was held on 12th and 19th October 2019. The final interviews will be conducted in January/February 2020.

IBPS PO mains pattern

The IBPS PO exam had four sectionsReasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude, English LanguageData Interpretation & Analysis and General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness along with Descriptive Test (English Language) and Letter and Essay Writing.

Candidates were given 3 hours and 30 minutes to attempt a total of 155 questions.

IBPS PO exam analysis shows difficult paper

The overall difficulty level of the IBPS PO exam was difficult. The Data Interpretation & Analysis section was the hardest, while Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude was moderate to difficult.

The English Language section was moderate to difficult whereas General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness section was moderate.

IBPS PO Main 2019 section-wise analysis

Candidates got 60 minutes for this section. Total number of questions were 45 and the weightage of this section was 60 marks.

The time allotted for this section was 40 minutes. Total number of questions were 35 and the weightage of this section was 40 marks.

Candidates had 45 minutes to solve 35 questions in this section. The total weightage of this section was 60 marks.

IBPS PO Mains: General/Economy/Banking Awareness

This section had to be completed in 35 minutes. Candidates had 40 questions to solve. The weightage of this sections was 40 marks. Current affairs questions were from past three months.

There were a few questions from banking and static awareness. The overall difficulty level was moderate.

IBPS PO 2019: Letter writing section

For writing a letter, candidates had to choose from one of the following three options:

Formal: Letter to a bank regarding the refund of extra EMI deducted

Formal: Letter to a government organisation regarding providing better facilities to old age people

Informal: Letter to a cousin telling about the benefits of taking a part-time job at a college

IBPS PO Mains 2019: Essay writing section

For essay writing, candidates had to choose from one of the below four options:

Pros and cons of a four-day working week policy

Impact of social media on society

Ethical banking

FDI in the manufacturing sector

Good attempt to crack the IBPS PO Mains exam

You should aim to attempt 74+ questions to crack the exam.