IBPS Clerk Prelims 2019: Expected Important Topics from English Language.


Source – jagranjosh.com

IBPS Clerk Prelims 2019 exam begins soon on 7th December 2019. Check here the important topics of the English Language section that are highly expected in the exam. The English Language Section is regarded as one of the high scoring sections of the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2019 Exam. Questions from this section test the candidates’ grip of English Language particularly in Vocabulary and English Grammar.

If a candidate has practised well he or she can attempt questions from the English Language section in much less time in comparison to other sections. Questions in this section are asked in the form of Reading Comprehension, Antonym & Synonym; Fill in the blanks, Para Jumbles, Sentence Rearrangement, Cloze Test and others. If you have practised this section well, then English section can be your strength area in order to fetch a high score.

Have a look at the major topics covered under the English Language Section of IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2019:

TopicsDifficulty Level
Reading ComprehensionModerate-Difficulty
Synonyms & AntonymsModerate
Fill in the blanksEasy-Moderate
Cloze TestModerate
Spelling TestEasy-Moderate
Idioms and PhrasesEasy-Moderate
One-word substitutionEasy-Moderate
Sentence or Phrase ImprovementEasy-Moderate
Sentence correction/ Spotting the errorEasy-Moderate
Active/ Passive & Direct/ Indirect SpeechModerate
Jumbled Sentence/Sentence RearrangementEasy-Moderate

Details about all English Language Topics

Reading Comprehension: In this section, an unseen passage or poem is given in the exam and around 5 to 10 questions are asked from the given passage. Questions can be fillers, antonym & synonym and others.

Antonyms and Synonyms: An Antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. On the other hand, Synonym means the same or nearly the same as the given or asked a word.

Cloze Test: It contains a passage along with the blanks. Candidates need to fill the blanks with an appropriate answer based on the given passage.

Fill in the blanks/Fillers: You need to fill the blanks with the most appropriate option given among the four options.

Spelling Test/Spell Check: Candidates need to select the correct spelling of the word given in the question.

Idioms and Phrases: Candidates are either asked the meaning of the given idioms and phrases or the other way round.

One-word substitution: You need to select the most appropriate word that replaces the given group of words or sentences without changing the meaning.

Sentence Improvement:  You need to choose the correct word from the given options that improve the meaning of the given sentence. This could be in terms of grammar or vocabulary usage.

Active/ Passive Voice:  A sentence is given in either Active or Passive Voice, candidates need to select the opposite (Active/ Passive) from the four options.

Direct-Indirect Speech: A sentence is given in either Indirect or Direct Speech; you need to choose the best option that expresses the same meaning in the opposite form – Indirect/Direct.

Sentence Rearrangement: Here, various jumbled up sentences are given; candidates need to rearrange the sentences to make them meaningful. This kind of question can be asked in either paragraph form or in the form of sentences.