IBPS Clerk admit card 2019 released: Hall ticket available for download till 30 Nov on official website, ibps.in


Source – firstpost.com

IBPS clerk admit card 2019 released |  Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) released the admit card for the upcoming common recruitment test for the posts of the clerical cadre on it official website – ibps.in. Candidates are advised to download their hall tickets at the earliest as the document is available for download only for a limited window between 13 and 30 November.

The preliminary exam for the post of Clerical Cadre will be conducted on 7 and 8 December, 2019. For final selection, candidates will have to clear online examination that will be held in two phases, preliminary and mains.

Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of the online preliminary exam and accordingly qualify for the online main exam.

The prelims paper will have three parts and will be of 80 minutes. General Intelligence and Reasoning will carry 35 marks and shall be attempted in 20 minutes, Quantitative Aptitude will also carry same weightage and time limit, whereas English Comprehension will be of 30 marks and must be completed in 20 minutes.

Here is how to download Admit Card

Step 1: Visit the official website ibps.in

Step 2: On the notification band, click on ‘Click here to download online preliminary exam call letter for CRP-lerks

Step 3: Log in using your Registration No/ Roll No and Password/ Date of Birth

Step 4: Download the pdf file and print it for future use

Step 5: Please note carefully your roll number, date of exam, reporting time and venue for the examination given in the call letter.

Key points to note

1: Candidates should be present at the examination hall at least 30 minutes before the time given in the call letter.

2: Candidates must carry a hardcopy of the call letter along with a photo identity proof in original and a photocopy of it which has the same name and date of birth mentioned as on the admit card.

3: Write your Roll No and Registration No. on the photocopy of photo identity proof. You will not be permitted to appear for the examination if you do not bring the call letter alongwith the photo identity proof in original and a photocopy.

4:  You should hand over your call letter alongwith the photocopy of the photo identity proof duly stapled together to the invigilator in the examination hall, when he/she collects the call letters

5: Read the instruction on your admit card carefully to get an idea of the items not allowed inside the exam hall.

Eligibility criteria for the aspiring candidates:

Age limit: An applicant’s age minimum age limit should be 20 years and maximum age limit to 28 years at the time of the application.

Educational qualification: The applicant must hold a graduation degree in any discipline from a university recognised by the Government of India or any equivalent qualification recognised by the Central government.

Applicants must be well adept working on a computer. Applicant should know how to speak, read and write the official language of the state or union territory in which he or she wishes to apply

List of shortlisted candidates for the online main exam will be released later and the final exam will be held on 19 January 2020