Bihar District Magistrate Issues Order to Close Schools for ‘Heat Wave’ Instead of ‘Cold Wave’.


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In a major typographical error, the Bihar District magistrate has issued an order requiring all schools in the area to be shut down due to a heatwave. In winter. Over the past few weeks, northern parts of India have been experiencing cold wave like situations with temperatures barely touching double digits in Delhi and surrounding areas.

Bihar, too, has been experiencing a really cold winter and the IMD (Indian Meteorological Department) has issued a warning for colder days ahead. The Meteorological Centre at Patna said that the temperature would fall at least two to three degrees below normal starting from the weekend. However, the Gopalganj Distric Magistrate seemed to have mistaken the cold wave for a heat wave.

ANI reports that the District Magistrate issued a notification for all schools in the district to be closed on January 13 and 14. However, in the notification that was actually issued, the reason mentioned was “heat wave” instead of ” cold wave.”

DM Arsas Aziz writes in the order, “Whereas, it has been made to appear to me that due to continuing heatwave weather in the district, health and life of children are at risk”. He further writes, “…prohibit the academic activities of all Private and Government Schools from January 13 up to January 14 in class I to VIII”.